Tawakkol Karman condoles death of Egypt’s trailblazing feminist El Saadawi

Tawakkol Karman condoles death of Egypt’s trailblazing feminist El Saadawi

The Nobel Peace Prize-winning human rights activist, Tawakkol Karman, condoled the death of the Egyptian writer Nawal El Saadawi, who died on Sunday at the age of 90, after a lifetime spent advocating for wone’s rights and equality.

Tawakkol Karman: FRIDAY OF DIGNITY will remain landmark day in history of Yemeni struggle for freedom

Tawakkol Karman: FRIDAY OF DIGNITY will remain landmark day in history of Yemeni struggle for freedom

The Nobel Peace Prize-winning human rights activist Tawakkol Karman said that Friday of Dignity will remain an exceptional event in the history of the Yemeni struggle for freedom.

Nobel Laureate salutes world’s women on International Women's Day

Nobel Laureate salutes world’s women on International Women's Day

On International Women's Day, the Nobel Peace Prize-winning human rights activist Tawakkol Karman has saluted women all over the world.

Yemen is subject to big regional war, says Tawakkol Karman

Yemen is subject to big regional war, says Tawakkol Karman

The Houthi militia is a fascist, terrorist and racist movement and serves as an Iranian tool to destroy Yemen, said the Nobel Peace Prize-winning human rights activist Tawakkol Karman, explaining that Saudi Arabia and the UAE, on the other hand, play a similar destructive role and have similar dirty tools in Yemen.

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