By; Margaret Rodriguez - HayFestivalQuerétaro@BBCMondo
By; Margaret Rodriguez - HayFestivalQuerétaro@BBCMondo
It has been 10 years since Tawakkol Karman, “the mother of the revolution”, received the Nobel Peace Prize for her peaceful action in Yemen.
First of all, do you think that Yemen’s popular revolution as part of the Arab spring has failed or succeeded? In your opinion, what are the signs of failure of success?
Under the Biden administration, do you expect an American role to end the war in Yemen?
Saudi Arabia and the UAE will pay the price of treachery to the Yemeni people, said Nobel Peace Prize winner Tawakkol Karman in the third and final episode of her interview with Araby 21. Text of the third and final episode of the interview:
Tawakkol Karman, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate, said the expulsion of the Saudi-UAE coalition from Yemen has become a popular demand.This came in an interview with the Qatari "Al-Sharq" newspaper, published in its issue today as follows:
By; Margaret Rodriguez - HayFestivalQuerétaro@BBCMondo
It has been 10 years since Tawakkol Karman, “the mother of the revolution”, received the Nobel...
Under the Biden administration, do you expect an American role to end the war in...