Tawakkol Karman disagree with Yemeni government-in-exile over investigation committee 

Tawakkol Karman disagree with Yemeni government-in-exile over investigation committee 

Yemen’s Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Tawakkol Karman, has rejected a local committee President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi had ordered to create in order to investigate human rights violations allegedly committed in a secret network of prisons run by the UAE in the southern provinces.

Tawakkol Karman demands transparent and independent international investigation into UAE-run network of prisons in Yemen

Tawakkol Karman demands transparent and independent international investigation into UAE-run network of prisons in Yemen

The human rights activist and Nobel Peace laureate Tawakkol Karman has called for a UN-supervised transparent and imperial inquiry into a network of prisons secretly run by the United Arab Emirates in southern Yemen.

Tawakkol Karman criticizes punishing Qatar but ignoring Iran’s threat 

Tawakkol Karman criticizes punishing Qatar but ignoring Iran’s threat 

The human rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Tawakkol Karman reiterated her criticism of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates for their strict embargo against Qatar and relentless pursuit of hurting this neighboring country while ignoring Iran’s threatening project.

In a lecture at an Indian university..Tawakkol karman: Women should fight injustice

In a lecture at an Indian university..Tawakkol karman: Women should fight injustice

Across the globe, people’s movements need women to fight corruption, racism, poverty and discrimination, said Nobel Peace Prize laureate Tawakkol Karman.

Tawakkol Karman in interview with Arabi 21: Gulf crisis hurts Yemen but benefits GCC’s enemies 

Tawakkol Karman in interview with Arabi 21: Gulf crisis hurts Yemen but benefits GCC’s enemies 

To end to the war and achieve a sustainable peace in Yemen, different basic pillars should be taken into consideration, including restoring the state, which must have control and sovereignty over the entire national territory,

UAE prevents Yemen’s president from going back to Aden, Karman denounces 

UAE prevents Yemen’s president from going back to Aden, Karman denounces 

The Nobel Peace laureate Tawakkol Kerman has expressed dismay at preventing Yemen’s legitimate president Abed Rabbo Hadi and his military staff from returning to the interim capital of Aden by UAE troops, which are part of Saudi-led Arab military coalition in Yemen. 

Along with nine other Nobel Laureates, Tawakkol Karman calls for non-violence in Venezuela 

Along with nine other Nobel Laureates, Tawakkol Karman calls for non-violence in Venezuela 

Ten Nobel Peace Laureates, including the human rights activist Tawakkol Karman, have called for putting an end to violence in in Venezuela and resolving the crisis through dialogue, stressing the need to take effective measures that allow the immediate restoration of the democratic order.

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