TKF Opens a Care Center For Physiotherapy Treatment in Taiz

TKF Opens a Care Center For Physiotherapy Treatment in Taiz

Funded by Tawakkol Karman Foundation, a health center for physiotherapy and rehabilitation treatment for wounded and injured people in Taiz city.

TKF Establish Care Center for Physiotherapy and Locomotor Rehabilitation

TKF Establish Care Center for Physiotherapy and Locomotor Rehabilitation

Tawakkol Karan Foundation implemented its core activities by establishing the care (Riayah) center for physiotherapy and locomotor rehabilitation in Taiz governorate with amount of twenty one million YR.

Women International Day, a look at the past and a hope in the future

Women International Day, a look at the past and a hope in the future


In the occasion of International Women’s Day 8th of March, and under the slogan “Yemeni Women in War period” Tawakkol Karman Foundation

Tawakkol Karman inaugurated its relief work in Tehama

Tawakkol Karman inaugurated its relief work in Tehama

Tawakkol Karman Foundation had inaugurated on Friday 20th of January 2017 the first stage of its relief work for Tehama area 

Tawakkol Karman Foundation (TKF) inaugurated its humanitarian relief in the needed aids

Tawakkol Karman Foundation (TKF) inaugurated its humanitarian relief in the needed aids

Tawakkol Karman foundation (TKF) had inaugurated on Monday 5th of December 2016 its relief campaign which targeting all villages of Alsilw district, Taiz Governorate in Ne’mah Rassam school.

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