Tawakkol Karman Foundation organizes a signing event for the Wind Holder Song Anthology by the Yemeni poet Amer Al-Saeedi
On May 30, 2022, Tawakkol Karman Foundation organized a book signing event for the Wind Holder Song Anthology by the Yemeni poet Amer Al-Saeedi.
The chairwoman of the foundation and the Nobel Prize laureate, Ms. Tawakkol Karman, said during the signing event that supporting ingeniousness, art creators and scientists gives a positive message to society, especially in times of war and armed conflict.
Tawakkol Karman considered that Amer Al-Saeedi has a talent for poetry, and she believed how great and full of challenge his experience was, adding: "Amer's sun has risen, and people are waiting for his poems that sing love, homeland, revolution, soldiers and simple people."
Karman pointed out that Amer Al-Saeedi's poetry reveals respect and reverence for women in the context of the faith in a civilized Yemen and its civic values.
Karman expressed her pride in the poet Amer Al-Saeedi and his poetic experience, saying: "Let Amer say poetry, so that poets in my country remain great and continue as messengers of love and beauty.
On the sidelines of the event, several musical pieces were played, and a short poetry explication was held which ended with the poet reciting some of his poems included in the anthology.