Soul and Art … the Pairs of Peace

Soul and Art … the Pairs of Peace


Soul and Art … the Pairs of Peace. Under that slogan, Tawakkol Karman Foundation and the Yemeni channel "Belqees" on Saturday, 20 Ramadan, 25 May 2019, held a Ramadan Iftar feast and evening in Istanbul, Turkey.

Central African Republic Visit in Corporation With FAO

Central African Republic Visit in Corporation With FAO

Based on Cooperation Agreement between Tawakkol Karman Foundation (TKF) and Food Agricultural Organization (FAO).

The phenomenon of tyranny in the Arab world

The phenomenon of tyranny in the Arab world

Tawakkol Karman International Foundation holds a lecture entitled "The phenomenon of tyranny in the Arab world" On Saturday, 27th of April, 2019,

TKF Campaign for 2018 Winter Clothes

TKF Campaign for 2018 Winter Clothes

In cooperation with the Masum Eli Foundation, Tawakkol Karman Foundation distributed winter clothes in Istanbul on December 19, 2018, to more than 500 Syrian orphans and displaced children.

Female Journalists for Fair Peace in Yemen

Female Journalists for Fair Peace in Yemen


Tawakkol Karman Foundation organizes in partnership with Nobel Women Peace Initiative a training program for Yemeni female journalists on the basic piece discourse for a sustainable peace in Yemen,

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