Scholarship for intensive English language diploma

Scholarship for intensive English language diploma


Due to the large number of applicants for the second phase of Leaders for the Future program (Scholarship for intensive English language diploma) which exceeded 3350 applicants,

Continuing Online Classes Under Covid-19 Pandemic

Continuing Online Classes Under Covid-19 Pandemic


In continuation of developing youth skills and qualifying leaders of the future and under Covid-19 pandemic circumstances, the English Language Learning Diploma implemented by the English Castle Institute that is supported by Tawakkol Karman Foundation will continue to provide classes remotely through virtual rooms using Zoom program

TKF Announces the End of Personal Interviews with Contestants on 200 Scholarships for the English Language Study

TKF Announces the End of Personal Interviews with Contestants on 200 Scholarships for the English Language Study


Tawakkol Karman Foundation announced, Thursday, 13th of February, 2020,

Creative Growth Festival for Children in Taiz

Creative Growth Festival for Children in Taiz


Under the sponsorship of Tawakkol Karman Foundation, the Cultural Office in Taiz held the first "Creative Growth" festival for the Children Peace in December 2019, with a large public attendance.

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