Karman congratulates Sudanese gov’t on signing the constitutional document

Karman congratulates Sudanese gov’t on signing the constitutional document

The Nobel Peace Prize laureate Tawakkol Karman congratulated the Sudanese government for signing a "constitutional document" on Saturday to create a civilian and military transitional governing council and pave the way for elections of a civilian government.

Karman: It is Ironical, Iran is defending Yemen's unity

Karman: It is Ironical, Iran is defending Yemen's unity

The Nobel Peace Prize laureate Tawakkol Karman said it was ironic that Iran would defend the unity of Yemen and Houthi represents its sovereignty.

Karman: Hadi is not just a prisoner in Riyadh but a traitor to the supreme interest of the country

Karman: Hadi is not just a prisoner in Riyadh but a traitor to the supreme interest of the country

The Nobel Peace Prize laureate Tawakkol Karman said that President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi is not only a detainee under house arrest in Riyadh, but also a traitor to the higher interests of the homeland.

Karman calls for participation in a photo exhibition of the Saudi-UAE coalition crimes in Yemen

Karman calls for participation in a photo exhibition of the Saudi-UAE coalition crimes in Yemen

The Nobel Peace Prize laureate Tawakkol Karman has called for participation in the exhibition of crimes of Saudi-Emirati aggression in Yemen during five years of war next Wednesday in the United States.

Karman to Al Jazeera: Saudi Arabia has agreed to all the UAE's actions in Yemen from the first moment

Karman to Al Jazeera: Saudi Arabia has agreed to all the UAE's actions in Yemen from the first moment

The Nobel Peace Prize laureate Tawakkol Karman has confirmed that it was Saudi Arabia that toppled Aden and that it is the number one actor in destroying, toppling and tearing Yemen.

Karman calls on Yemenis to withdraw from the southern border of Saudi Arabia

Karman calls on Yemenis to withdraw from the southern border of Saudi Arabia

 The Nobel Peace Prize laureate Tawakkol Karman has called on members of the Yemeni Islah party in particular and Yemenis in general to withdraw from the southern border of Saudi Arabia.

Karman: Saudi Arabia's call for legitimacy and transitional council to dialogue in Riyadh aims to sign the secession

Karman: Saudi Arabia's call for legitimacy and transitional council to dialogue in Riyadh aims to sign the secession

 The Nobel Peace Prize laureate Tawakkol Karman said that the real aim of the Saudi invitation to Yemeni legitimacy and the UAE-backed Southern Transitional

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