Would be there Saudi comparable measures against USA as those against Canada, Tawakkol Karman wonders

Would be there Saudi comparable measures against USA as those against Canada, Tawakkol Karman wonders

The Nobel Peace laureate and human rights activist Tawakkol Karman has wondered why Saudi Arabia has not taken any action against the United States, similar to its recent angry response to Canadian criticism of Riyadh’s strict restrictions on freedoms. 

Tawakkol Karman shows solidarity with Saudi human rights activities including Samar Badawi 

Tawakkol Karman shows solidarity with Saudi human rights activities including Samar Badawi 

The Nobel Peace Prize winner and human rights activist Tawakkol Karman has shown solidarity with Saudi human rights activists, including Samar Badawi, arrested by Saudi security services.

Nobel laureate condemns massacre by Saudi-UAE coalition in Hodeidah

Nobel laureate condemns massacre by Saudi-UAE coalition in Hodeidah

The Nobel Peace Prize laureate and human rights activist Tawakkol Karman condemned what she described as “a new massacre carried out by the Saudi-UAE criminal coalition on Sunday when targeting a fishing port and a fish market in Hodeidah that killed and wounded dozens of citizens.” 

Tawakkol Karman calls on Italian authorities to immediately release prominent opposition leader

Tawakkol Karman calls on Italian authorities to immediately release prominent opposition leader

The Nobel Peace Prize laureate and human rights activist Tawakkol Karman has called on the Italian authorities to immediately release the prominent Egyptian opposition leader Mohammed Mahsoub. 

Nobel peace prize laureates ask governor brown to take "moral responsibility," pursue bold action to phase out fossil fuels

Nobel peace prize laureates ask governor brown to take "moral responsibility," pursue bold action to phase out fossil fuels

SACRAMENTO – Declaring that California has “a moral responsibility to act” and “climate leaders can no longer explore for and exploit new fossil fuels,”

Tawakkol Karman expresses condolences on death of Syrian revolution’s icon Mai Skaf

Tawakkol Karman expresses condolences on death of Syrian revolution’s icon Mai Skaf

 The Nobel Peace Prize laureate and activist Tawakkol Karman has sent condolences on the death of Mai Skaf, a Syrian actress known for her strong opposition against Mai Skaf. 

AUW Announces Scholarships for Yemeni Women by Tawakkol Karman Foundation

AUW Announces Scholarships for Yemeni Women by Tawakkol Karman Foundation

CHITTAGONG, BANGLADESH - Asian University for Women (AUW) and Tawakkol Karman Foundation (TKF) jointly announced a scholarship for 50 qualified young women from Yemen to attend Asian University for Women in Chittagong.

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