Popular uprising in Lebanon redefines Lebanese as people above sects, Nobel laureate says 

Popular uprising in Lebanon redefines Lebanese as people above sects, Nobel laureate says 

The Nobel Peace Prize-winning human rights activist Tawakkol Karman said the Lebanese revolution has redefined the Lebanese people as people above sects.

Tawakkol Karman predicts radical change in Saudi Arabia

Tawakkol Karman predicts radical change in Saudi Arabia

The Nobel Peace Prize-winning human rights activist Tawakkol Karman has predicted a great revolution in Saudi Arabia, which causes the overthrow of the Saudi family.

Nobel laureate: Chants of Arab Spring will also be repeated in Riyadh and Abu Dhabi

Nobel laureate: Chants of Arab Spring will also be repeated in Riyadh and Abu Dhabi

The Nobel Peace Prize-winning laureate Tawakkol Karman said that the Arab Spring will prevail throughout the Arab world by 2020 and 2021, and that the chants of the Arab Spring will be heard in Riyadh and Abu Dhabi.

Tawakkol Karman expresses support for Lebanese revolution

Tawakkol Karman expresses support for Lebanese revolution

The Nobel Peace Prize-winning human rights activist Tawakkol Karman has strongly expressed her support for Lebanon's popular uprising against the corrupt and failed political class.

Nobel laureate congratulates on release five young detainees 

Nobel laureate congratulates on release five young detainees 

The Nobel Peace Prize-winning human rights activist Tawakkol Karman has congratulated on the release of the members of the peaceful youth revolution Ibrahim al-Hammadi and his fellow inmates who were prisoned unfairly on charges of “palace bomb”.

Nobel laureate: Saudi Arabia is driven by desire to destroy and fragmentize Yemen into pieces 

Nobel laureate: Saudi Arabia is driven by desire to destroy and fragmentize Yemen into pieces 

The Nobel Peace Prize-winning human rights activist Tawakkol Karman has attacked Saudi Arabia, accusing it of implementing a hidden agenda aimed at destroying and breaking Yemen into fragments, and stressing that the solution in Yemen starts from ending Saudi guardianship over Yemen. 

Nobel laureate expresses happiness for releasing 290 detainees

Nobel laureate expresses happiness for releasing 290 detainees

The Nobel Peace Prize-winning human rights activist Tawakkol Karman has expressed her happiness with the Houthis' decision to release 290 detainees from their prisons, stressing that zeroing prisons is the most important step towards peace.

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