Including Tawakkol Karman..7 Nobel peace laureates: Suu Kyi must be held criminally accountable at ICJ

Including Tawakkol Karman..7 Nobel peace laureates: Suu Kyi must be held criminally accountable at ICJ

Seven Nobel peace laureates have demanded that Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar's state counsellor and its de facto president, must be held criminally accountable, along with her army commanders, for crimes committed against Rohingyas.

In keynote speech at Rome MED 2019 Conference, Tawakkol Karman condemns international silence towards crimes of Houthi militia and Arab coalition 

In keynote speech at Rome MED 2019 Conference, Tawakkol Karman condemns international silence towards crimes of Houthi militia and Arab coalition 

The Nobel Peace Prize-winning human rights activist, Tawakkol Karman, strongly condemned the international silence towards the about five-year war in Yemen, indicating that the neighboring Gulf states see in Yemen’s development and prosperity as a threat to their monarchies.

Tawakkol Karman meets with Italy’s PM 

Tawakkol Karman meets with Italy’s PM 

The Nobel Peace Prize-winning human rights activist Tawakkol Karman met today with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on the sidelines of the fifth edition of the Rome MED 2019 Conference in the Italian capital.

Tawakkol Karman at conference on women in Italy: Building women's capacity supports peace plans and democratic and humanitarian choices

The Nobel Peace Prize-winning human rights activist Tawakkol Karman said that strengthening women's status and building their capacities and skills will have an impact on strengthening communities,

Tawakkol Karman arrives in Italy to participate at fifth edition of Rome MED 2019 Conference

Tawakkol Karman arrives in Italy to participate at fifth edition of Rome MED 2019 Conference

The Nobel Peace Prize-winning human rights activist Tawakkol Karman today left for Italy at the invitation of the Italian Foreign Minister.

Mrs. Karman: Saudi Arabia and UAE uses Houthi coup as excuse to destroy Yemen

Mrs. Karman: Saudi Arabia and UAE uses Houthi coup as excuse to destroy Yemen

The Nobel Peace Prize-winning human rights activist Tawakkol Karman said that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates has used the Houthi coup to declare war on Yemen.

Nobel laureate condoles death of high-ranking military commander

Nobel laureate condoles death of high-ranking military commander

The Nobel Peace Prize-winning human rights activist Tawakkol Karman has expressed her sincere condolences and deep sorrow to Yemenis and the beloved ones over the sad demise of Taiz’s high-ranking military commander Adnan al-Hammadi.

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