Tawakkol Karman to take part in 5th Nobel Fest

Tawakkol Karman to take part in 5th Nobel Fest


The state collapse has led Yemeni children to live in cities where state services, including health and education services, have collapsed, and under conditions where state employees are not paid, further complicating the living situation of the children's families and making them unable to meet even their minimum basic needs, said the Nobel Peace Prize-winning human rights activist Tawakkol Karman.

Nobel laureate to be keynote speaker at FAO Conference on parliamentary action and gender equality

Nobel laureate to be keynote speaker at FAO Conference on parliamentary action and gender equality


The serious consequences of food insecurity in countries experiencing wars or armed conflicts, and say that the solution begins with taking clear positions and sanctions against those who are responsible for creasing the levels of hunger, and also those pursuing a policy of starving people for political purposes, warned The Nobel Peace Prize-winning human rights activist Tawakkol Karman.

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