Tawakkol Karman delivers speech on 12th anniversary of February 11 revolution

Tawakkol Karman delivers speech on 12th anniversary of February 11 revolution

Today, the Nobel Peace-winning human rights activist Tawakkol Karman delivered a speech to mark the twelfth anniversary of the February 11 revolution, in which she emphasized that the February 11 revolution is a non-stop struggle complementary to the glorious revolutions of September and October.

Tawakkol Karman stressed that Yemen’s glorious National Unity on May 22 will remain an objective “for us” and the next generation to come.

“Freedom, justice, dignity, citizenship, the rule of law and national partnership are fundamental principles that cannot be compromised on”, she added.

Karman pointed out that suspicious media campaigns aimed at placing the blame on the February Revolution for everything its enemies have done to Yemen are part of the war against Yemen and the Yemeni people.

These campaigns, she continued, are ”the most dangerous war front because they are designed to clear the parties to the internal and external war of their crimes, as well as to spread despair among the people and make it to show remorse for “the purest page” that expressed its will and acted as the title of its freedom, dignity, and longing for a dignified life.”

She called on the international community to effectively and decisively support the Yemeni people to end the war, establish peace and prevent the presence of armed groups outside the official armed forces.

Mrs. Karman emphasized some basic determinants for ending the war and building a sustainable peace in Yemen, like not compromising the Republic and the territorial integrity of Yemen, dealing with the national dialogue conference outcomes as a main reference, ensuring non-impunity, not recognizing any own political or economic gains achieved by any of the parties during the pre-coup period, ending the coup of the Houthi militia and ensuring the exclusive right of the state to own weapons.


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