Nobel laureate: Taiz witnesses new coup against legitimacy

Nobel laureate: Taiz witnesses new coup against legitimacy

The human rights activist and Nobel Peace laureate Tawakkol Karman said Taiz province- in southwestern Yemen- is witnessing a new coup against the legitimacy, stressing that this is a natural result of dependency on terrorists in the war against the Iranian-backed Houthi militia.  

Tawakkol Karman after Al-Sammad's killing: Yemen could only be ruled through ballot box 

Tawakkol Karman after Al-Sammad's killing: Yemen could only be ruled through ballot box 

The killing of the leader of Yemen's rebel Houthi movement, Saleh al-Sammad- no matter by whom- is an important opportunity to remember that the best way to rule Yemen is through elections, not though force or imposition of fait accompli, said Nobel Peace laureate Tawakkol Karman. 

Nobel laureate condemns killing of employee of ICRC in Taiz

Nobel laureate condemns killing of employee of ICRC in Taiz

The human rights activists and Nobel Peace laureate Tawakkol Karman has condemned the terrorist attack perpetrated on 21 April against the staff of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Taiz in southwestern Yemen, during which an employee lost his live.

Mrs. Karman condemns crimes against civilians by Saudi-UAE coalition 

Mrs. Karman condemns crimes against civilians by Saudi-UAE coalition 

The human rights activist and Nobel Peace laureate Tawakkol Karman has condemned three crimes committed against civilians in less than 24 hours by the Saudi-UAE coalition in Yemen.

Nobel laureate condemns massacre by UAE-Saudi coalition in Yemen 

Nobel laureate condemns massacre by UAE-Saudi coalition in Yemen 

The human rights activist and Nobel Peace laureate, Tawakkol Karman, condemned the Arab coalition led by Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates for committing what she described as a massacre in Taiz province, where at least 10 civilians have been killed.

Nobel laureate applauds protest demonstration in Aden demanding Saudis and Emiratis to leave  

Nobel laureate applauds protest demonstration in Aden demanding Saudis and Emiratis to leave  

The human rights activist and Nobel Peace laureate Tawakkol Karman has applauded the demonstration taking place today in Yemen’s interim capital of Aden to demand the departure of the Saudi-led Arab coalition, which allegedly intervened in Yemen to support the legitimacy there.

Nobel laureate at National Geographic Festival of Sciences in Rome: Human rights defenders are classified as conspirators or terrorists

Nobel laureate at National Geographic Festival of Sciences in Rome: Human rights defenders are classified as conspirators or terrorists

Human rights defenders in the Arab Spring countries are often classified as conspirators or terrorists, said the Nobel Peace laureate Tawakkol Karman. 

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