Tawakkol Karman speech at Nobel Prize Summit - Washington
Peace be upon you, First of all, congratulations to the Nobel Foundation and the National Academy of Sciences for organizing this important conference on Misinformation. I think the title you have chosen - "Truth, Trust, and Hope" - perfectly suits this moment in our history.
I am sorry that I cannot be there. Thanks to Technology, I am participating with you now, discussing the importance of collaboration to defeat hate and disinformation.
First of all: The evolving information environment is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, social media platforms have made information more accessible, Content creation is simplified, and information is spreading faster. All of this means that people can express their opinions and connect with others around the world much more easily. On the other hand, these tools can be exploited by malicious actors to undermine elections, cause confusion in times of crisis, and take advantage of people, as well as by authoritarian regimes that want to use these platforms to maintain their grip on power and silence the voices of their opponents.
From my own experience as a Yemeni and an Arab living under authoritarian regimes, I have seen both sides of Technology the dark and the lights sides: As you know, The Arab Spring was a watershed moment in modern history that demonstrated the power of collective peaceful action and the will of the people to achieve freedom and justice. In these historic moments, social media proved to be a powerful catalyst, igniting a flame of change that spread across nations. Platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube provided a platform for Arab citizens to express their grievances, mobilize protests, and share information with the world in real time. Through hashtags, posts, and videos, people were able to unite and break the barriers of silence imposed by authoritarian regimes.
Technology became a beacon of hope that allowed ordinary citizens to document human rights abuses, expose corruption, and demand justice. . Social media provided a digital public square where ideas, stories, and demands for change could be shared and amplified, they helped shape a narrative of resistance and create an international network of solidarity.
But with great power comes great responsibility and challenges. The dark side of this technological revolution has come to light. Authoritarian regimes have recognized the potential threat of social media and quickly adapted their tactics to exploit social media to maintain their grip on power and suppress dissent. They have spread Misinformation, embraced digital surveillance, deployed cyber armies, and enacted laws to control online discourse. By monitoring and manipulating online content, the authoritarian regimes' electronic flies - pro-regime influencers and broadcasters, and fake accounts - have been used to spread false stories about dissidents, peaceful revolution and the Arab Spring and smear journalists, human rights and political activists. - there are numerous cases, from Jamal Khashoggi to Ghada Oueiss to myself.
But despite all these obstacles and challenges, I firmly believe that we can overcome them; if we cooperate and work together, we can safeguard the truth and protect the people's voices and the integrity of digital spaces.
Global democracies, tech companies, and civil society organizations must join forces to support the voices of those who strive for freedom, democracy, and human rights, which will help expose the tactics of manipulation, creating spaces for alternative narratives to flourish and developing robust frameworks that protect expression rights and preserve the integrity of information. We must invest in media literacy programs that equip individuals with the tools to discern truth from falsehoods. This will help in building resilient societies that resist the manipulation of information.
Tech companies bear a profound responsibility in this battle for truth. They must fortify their platforms against manipulation, disinformation, and the suppression of voices. They must prioritize the well-being of their users, be more transparent about their policies around disinformation, and have clear procedures for removing it when there is potential for real-world harm. They also should establish clear guidelines and policies that prohibit the manipulation of their platforms by authoritarian regimes. They should resist demands for censorship that undermine freedom of expression while actively combating the abuse of their platforms to promote hate and disinformation.
Here, as a member of the Oversight Board of Facebook and Instagram, I want to mention that we are doing our best to be part of solutions that can contribute to improving internet governance and protecting human rights, including free expression, by making principled, independent decisions regarding content on Facebook and Instagram and by issuing recommendations on the relevant Mets Company Content Policy.
Finally, Individuals have a pivotal role to play in this battle of truth and hope:
You must seek the truth, spread hope, and defend integrity.
Trust your own voice. In the face of bullying, smear campaigns and the relentless onslaught of falsehoods, never become discouraged and lose faith in yourself. Always remember that your voice matters. Your thoughts, ideas and opinions are valuable.
And to protect yourself from fake news and disinformation, think critically and do not be afraid to question the information that is presented to you. Look beyond the headlines and delve into the content. Surround yourself with a wide range of viewpoints, including those that challenge your own beliefs.
Thank you so much.