Speech of Nobel Peace laureate Tawakkol Karman at memorial of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi - Istanbul
The Nobel Peace Prize laureate Tawakkol Karman delivered a speech at the memorial service of the late Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi 40 days after his departure, which was held in the Turkish city of Istanbul on Friday.
Peace be upon you, martyr President Mohamed Morsi.
Peace be upon you and your soul as it flutters in the vast kingdom of God.
Salam alaikoum, the martyr of democracy in your forties that has brought us here along your path, And the values you believed in and paid your life for it.
Peace be upon you and all the martyrs of the Arab Spring
Dear all present;
Mohamed Morsi, the first Arab president who came to the presidency by a majority vote of his people and painted his peaceful struggle and his belief in democracy, the civilized way to solve the problem of power in Egypt and the Arab world, which represents a modern exit and peaceful and civilized Islamic currents.
Many have spoken, and many will speak about Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Egyptian revolution, the events in Egypt, democracy and elections, and conclusions, positions and attitudes. The truth will remain clear:
The way in which the Brotherhood went on in Egypt "to establish a political party and present itself as a political force that believes in democracy, the constitution, and the rule of the people and the votes of citizens" was the best solution to the two most important problems faced by the Arabs in the modern era. The first one is the problem of power. Who should rule? What is the legitimacy? What is the mechanism to get to the power? And the second one is: the problem of Islamic movements and the revisions required from them, and the appropriate transformation of them [Islamic movements] from part of the problem into part of the solution!
Returning to the one voice and the sole leader and ruler is not a solution. The Arabs tried to seize power by the force of coups, reaping only failures, poverty, death, unemployment, loss and defeat. The coups leaders are closely linked to the syndrome of poverty, terrorism and dictatorship.
Therefore, today we are talking about Mohamed Morsi in the context of the rejection of tyranny, in the context of defending human rights and democracy, in the context of recalling the complicity of the international community and the crimes of counter-revolutions.
Dear all;
The coup against a democratically elected president for the first time in Egypt, taking him to prison and killing him with numerous means of torture, is not a passing incident that we talk about for some time and then we turn to our concerns.
This is a watershed in our history.
If we bypass it, it means we surrender to a new slavery.
The Sisi model is intended to be popularized in the Arab capitals by counter-revolutions capitals. Therefore, our acceptance to overcome the coup against Mohamed Morsi leads us to subject to regimes of more dictatorship and inheritance, which we went out to revolt against and overthrew through peaceful protests in squares.
In this sense, our defense of Morsi is the defense of our values, which are democracy, human rights and justice. These are the rights that people deserve because they are human beings, whatever their convictions and party affiliations.
This is not outdated. These are standard values that do not fall by media and electronic publications.
Either we respect these civic values or we will be contributing to the silence and complicity in the resurgence of grim versions of zero-sum conflicts in which conflicts are fought to root out opponents and erase them from the earth.
Anyone who uproots his opponents with the state terrorism will create a similar in the opposite bank.
The state terrorism and counter-terrorism are a deadly and destructive bilateral against our societies and countries.
The Sisi regime has no justification for the annihilation of a political party by coup, murder, arrest, and cleansing in prisons. Regrettably, the Sisawi regime has killed the Egyptian judiciary before killing Morsi.
Have you heard of tens of thousands taken from their homes and thrown into prisons over peaceful political affiliation to a party that won the votes of a majority of Egyptians in a presidential and parliamentary general election?!
They are in prisons and cells. The regime that crushed an elected president until he breathed his last breathe in the courtroom while mumbling his last sentence, "My country, even if it wrongs me, is my love," will not be merciful to tens of thousands whose names the world does not know and no one has heard about them.
What future for our region that these horrific human rights violations predict?!
What future the bloody coups and genocide regime promise us?!
They talk a lot about stability, and they know that Egypt was stable and its tongue was free in the single year of the martyr president in Egypt.
What happened! They launched a counter-revolution to regain power that went out of their hands. They moved with money from Riyadh and Abu Dhabi to put an early end to the nascent democracy and killed it in the bud.
The horrific human rights violations are one of the consequences of Sisi's coup against democracy, and his regime is accountable to the world for these crimes. This regime has international relations, and the responsibility of international human rights organizations has urged major countries to put pressure on the Sisi regime to release detainees and stop the farce of using the judiciary to abuse its opponents.
We appeal to the world to condemn the coup and the policies of oppression, gagging and terrorizing opinion-makers, which are the policies that Egypt runs today.
The formation of an international commission of inquiry to investigate the death of President Mohamed Morsi and the detention of thousands of people in prison has become an urgent demand of the global human rights community.
Do human rights organizations and global and Arab networks need to be reminded that should separate between their positions towards the victims, and their political beliefs and what they represent?!
Do global democracies need to be reminded of how they have turned a blind eye to Sisi's coup regime, killing, arresting and torturing, because those democracies internationally do not apply to Islamists, even if they formed parties, renounced violence and turned to political parties and peaceful political activity!
We are in one world. It will not be long for the world to realize again this fact, which was ignored due to the influence of the phobia of Islam. No one can build the walls of isolation within its borders to ensure that parts of this world fall into wars, chaos and non-state. Neither a dictator here nor another can protect his tyranny from the winds of freedom and democracy that know no borders or walls, but know people without distinction between East and West and between the races and religions of this world.
The democratic world has been frustrated and filled with fears of our independence from the tyranny of its "internal colonial" that seized our nations, our destiny and our decision. The West feared the fall of hereditary and sectarian regimes in our countries. Let us say that they were unable to see their real interests with our peoples and that they see them only with dictatorships that sell the interests of their people at the lowest price to the foreigner.
Democracy, change and peaceful exchange of power are the antithesis of terrorism, sectarian militias and violent groups of all kinds.
When freedom, democracy, rights and the rule of law are brought, terrorism and violence are absent and its environment and sources are dry.
The world colluded with counter-revolutions, and regional and global interests were intertwined in the face of the cries of peaceful change, unleashed by the throats of unarmed millions of people who do not have arms, power and money, but only have their belief in their dignity, human rights, citizenship, equality and justice.
In conclusion, I say to you; killing Morsi in prison will not turn the page of the constitution, legitimacy, elections and respect for the will of the people. This crime will not be able to tide the course of counter-revolutions, as millions of Arabs are looking for a different future.
Our belief in our right to catch up with the times and in democratic states that respect and safeguard basic human rights will not fade up and will not be extinguished as long as we are alive.
You are all free and fiercely fighting for democracy, justice, human rights and the modern civil state.
The glory for the past, present and future human struggle throughout history, for dignity, citizenship, justice, freedom and a decent life for all human beings.