
With feelings filled with hope for achieving peace and sharing in the joy and celebration of my Palestinian brothers and sisters, I welcome the agreement between the Israeli occupation and Hamas, which brings an end to the genocidal war in Gaza. This agreement concludes a fifteen-month humanitarian tragedy that affected more than two million Palestinians and broke our hearts. We lived through that tragedy with them moment by moment. It has created humanitarian tragedies that will remain a stain on the conscience of humanity for a long time
I congratulate the people of Gaza on their joy over the ceasefire agreement, which represents a break in the cycle of the brutal genocidal war and an important step towards ending the painful humanitarian suffering endured by innocent children, women, the elderly, and all civilians who paid a heavy price for this savage war.
I commend all the efforts made to achieve this agreement and call for diligent work to ensure its full implementation in all its details, opening new horizons toward lasting and comprehensive peace.
The humanitarian aspects of this agreement, including the exchange of prisoners, the urgent delivery of aid to Gaza, and the return of displaced persons, are crucial steps within the ceasefire framework. We hope this marks the beginning of a process leading to a comprehensive peace agreement that ultimately ends the occupation and allows the Palestinian people to establish their independent state.
I hope that the displaced persons return to their homes and that reconstruction efforts begin to heal the wounds of Gaza, paving the way for a future where the Palestinian people can attain their legitimate rights and live with dignity and peace on their land, nurtured by their sacrifices through generations. These sacrifices, along with their belief in justice, freedom, and dignity, make the resilient Palestinian people among the most steadfast in history, deeply committed to their land and ready to defend it.
At this moment that marks the transition from war to the return of daily life in Gaza—free from bombings, fear, bloodshed, casualties, and injuries—I call on everyone—nations, organizations, and communities—to intensify their efforts to foster dialogue and lay the foundations for a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East. Justice, the right to self-determination, and human rights are essential for a better future in the Middle East and the entire world.
Let us make this agreement the beginning of a new era, where Palestinian rights are respected. Major nations and the global community must recognize that achieving peace in the Middle East relies on ending the Israeli occupation and acknowledging the Palestinian people's right to live peacefully on their land and establish their independent state within the 1967 borders.
The genocidal war has been broken, but the spirit of Gaza, which has endured unimaginable horrors, remains unbroken. It is time to address the Palestinian issue, and for the entire world to stand in reverence for the Palestinian people's struggle, their belief in their just cause, and their right to liberation from occupation.