Creative Growth Festival for Children in Taiz
Under the sponsorship of Tawakkol Karman Foundation, the Cultural Office in Taiz held the first "Creative Growth" festival for the Children Peace in December 2019, with a large public attendance.
Within the framework of the Art for Peace program, the activities of the "Creative Art Growth for Children" festival was held by the Cultural Office in Taiz, under the sponsorship of Tawakkol Karman Foundation, under the slogan of Peace Creations for the Children of Taiz.
Recreational and artistic activities were presented to the children in their first qualitative festival to forward peace messages through (singing, music, plastic arts, folklore, poetry, creative demonstrate), accompanied by the artistic and musical ensemble affiliate to Taiz office.
The ceremony was attended by the Director General of the Cultural Office; Mr. Abdul Khaliq Saif, and the head of the Yemeni Union of Writers and Authors of Taiz; the poet Nabil Al-Hakimi, and the Director General of the “Taawon Park”; Mr. Mamoun Al-Maqtari, with a large group of children from the city of Taiz with their families and friends.
Talented children from various schools in the city participated in building a beautiful picture consisted of many artistic, musical, cultural and demonstrate activities.