In her speech in Ramadan evening in Istanbul, Karman: Revolutions against the Arab Spring will fail

The Nobel Peace Prize winner Tawakkol Karman said Saturday that “the battle of anti-Arab revolutions, in which Gulf money, Western collusion and local gangs are united, will fail.”

Karman condemns the massacre of the Saudi-UAE alliance in Taiz

Karman condemns the massacre of the Saudi-UAE alliance in Taiz

The Nobel Peace Prize laureate Tawakkul Karman condemned the massacre by the Saudi-UAE coalition jet fighters in Taiz where scores of civilians were killed.

Karman: Al-Awda is a moderate preacher and Bin Salman deserves punishment

Karman: Al-Awda is a moderate preacher and Bin Salman deserves punishment

The Nobel Peace Prize winner Tawakkul Karman condemned the news that the Saudi authorities plan to execute the preacher Salman al-Awda, asserting that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman deserves punishment.

Karman: The continuation of the Sudanese revolution is the only guarantee for its success

Karman: The continuation of the Sudanese revolution is the only guarantee for its success

The Nobel Peace Prize winner Tawakkul Karman confirmed that the continuation of the revolution in Sudan is the only guarantee for its success in realizing the dreams of the Sudanese people for a democratic state.

Karman condemns targeting residential neighborhood in Sana’a by Saudi-UAE coalition

Karman condemns targeting residential neighborhood in Sana’a by Saudi-UAE coalition

The Nobel Peace Prize laureate Tawakul Karman condemned the bombing of a residential area in Al-Raqas Street in the capital Sana’a by the Saudi-UAE coalition, which led to killing and wounding many civilians.

Karman condemns the massacre of Hamidati's militia against Sudanese protesters

Karman condemns the massacre of Hamidati's militia against Sudanese protesters

The Nobel Peace Prize winner Tawakkul Karman condemned the massacre by the militia of Mohammad Hamdan Daglo, nicknamed Hamiditi, against the protesters in front of the headquarters of the army.

Karman congratulates workers in Bilqis TV Channel on the occasion of four years of the launch of the channel

Karman congratulates workers in Bilqis TV Channel on the occasion of four years of the launch of the channel

The Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Tawakkul Karman, congratulated the staff of the Bilqis satellite TV channel on the fourth anniversary of the launch of the channel.

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