
Tawakkol Karman to attend 2024 International Children's Peace Prize Ceremony
Human rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Tawakkol Karman will be a featured speaker at the International Children's Peace Prize 2024 in Amsterdam on November 19, 2024.
The internationally recognized International Children's Peace Prize, established by KidsRights in 2005, annually honors a child under 18 for significant contributions to peace, children's rights, or positive social change.
Ms. Karman's participation underscores her longstanding commitment to empowering youth, particularly in conflict zones, and her dedication to human rights, including children's rights.
As a former member of the International Children's Peace Prize jury (2017), she will deliver a speech focusing on the critical need to protect children in war zones and mitigate the devastating effects of conflict.
Her address is expected to emphasize the importance of ending conflicts, restoring stability and the rule of law as fundamental steps towards safeguarding children and their communities.
The International Children's Peace Prize is a distinguished award conferred upon children under 18 years of age in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the advancement of peace and the protection of children's rights.
To watch full speech click (here)