Tawakkol Karman warns the Houthi militia and Saleh of a revolution of the hungry
The human rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Tawakkol Karman has warned the coup alliance represented by the Iran-backed Shiite militia of Houthis and the ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh, of a revolution of the hungry as a result of non-payment of state employees' salaries.
In a post published on her Facebook account, Karman mentioned that state employees in Yemen have not been paid salaries, and consequently a wave of hunger is sweeping the country.
“Where are going to flee to from hanger of the hungry?” she asks the de facto authority in Sana'a, in clear reference to the Houthi militia and the deposed president Saleh she described as a fascist coup alliance.
Yemen’s iron woman noted that the wealth of the former president exceeds sixty billion dollars he looted from public money during his three-decade rule.
During only a year and a half, she continued, the fascist coup alliance seized more than fifteen billion dollars.
It is noteworthy that employees of civilian and military institutions in areas controlled by the Houthi militia and its close ally Saleh have not been paid for two months, while those have shown their support for the Saudi-led Arab coalition have no longer received salaries for long time.