The Nobel Peace Prize winner Tawakul Karman has presented an account of the corruption of the Sudanese regime of Hassan al-Bashir and the Sudanese assets sold by his regime since 1989.
"Bashir's military regime could not even provide bread after 30 years of his rule," said Karman, on her official Facebook page.
The text of the publication reads as follows:
Bashir's military regime could not even provide bread after 30 years of rule. This is only a sample of the destruction caused by this failed and despotic regime in Sudan.
Assets and properties of Sudan sold since 1989:
- Nationality and Sudanese Passport Authority
- South Sudan
- Sawaken
- Ports of Sudan
- Khartoum Airport
- Heathrow line
- Mechanical transport
- National Electricity Authority
- The General Authority for Telecommunications
- The General Authority for Irrigation and Excavation Works
- Females of sheep and camels
- Hashab tree seedlings
- The Sudanese Embassy in Jeddah (Hindawi district)
- Embassy of the Sudanese Embassy in Cairo
- Sudan House London
- Sudan House
- Zoo
- The Unknown Soldier Statue
- National Post and Telegraph Authority
- River Transport
- Sudanese Airlines (Sudan Line)
- Arab Glue Company
- Privatization of the Sudanese Sugar Company
- Works and equipment installations and stores
- Residential buildings of the Ministry of Education
- Railway Lands
- University of Khartoum lands
- Abu Hamad District lands
- Nubian Basin Lands
- Liquidation of the State Foundation for Cinema, the Department of Cinema in the Department of Culture, and the Unit of Cinema in Television 1991.
- Republican Guard Camp
- Armored vehicles garage in Al-Shajara (sold to become Gaza Housing project).
- AlJunaid Sugar Factory
- New Halfa Sugar Factory
- Atbara Cement Factory
- Rabak Cement Factory
- Khartoum Refinery
- Bank of Khartoum
- Real Estate Bank (sold and part of shares was restored later)
- Islamic University lands
- Waborat Zone and Blue Nile Beach
- Fields in residential neighborhoods
- The field and market of Al-Thawra
- Khartoum Local Nursery
- Omdurman Market
- Public Parks
- Al Jazeera Project.
- Marangan Textile Industries
- Houses of Employees in the Al-Jazeera Project and Al-Manakel
- Kanaf Abu Naameh Project
- Nuba Mountains Spinning and Weaving Project
- Shindi Textile Factory
- Nyala Textile Factory
- White Nile Catering Projects
- Jebel Marra project (with the largest television station)
- Blue Nile projects for (the project of agricultural leyouna, Ali Badri project, Al-Tohamy project).
- Project of Rejl Al-Na’am in North Darfur, 156 thousand acres
- Self-help projects in New Halfa (flour mills and honey factories)
- New Halfa lands (Land of orchards, agricultural establishment, cooperatives of machinery and vehicles, pharmaceutical associations were the most important commercial center in the geographical areas, cinema).
- Halfa sugar factory (change its name to the Nile factory)
- New Halfa Railway
- Sennar Railway
- Animal Wealth Building (Veterinary) in Al-Hasaiza
- Kosti Canning Factory
- Fruit Canning Factory
- Consulate of Sudan Embassy in India, sold to Kuwait
- The Grand Hotel of Khartoum
- Friendship Palace Hotel
- Khartoum Hospital
- Jafar Ibn Auf Hospital
- Privatization of the Medical Weapons Hospital
- Sudan Oilseed Company.
- The Ghazala Project (the largest research and development center for livestock in Sudan and the second largest in Africa)
- West Safna Development Authority
- 23% of Sudan's agricultural land was sold to foreign investors, of which 1.4 million acres were sold to an American company for 25000 dollars. The Sudanese lands, expropriated or taken over, constitute (9.99%) of the total lands.