Mrs. Tawakkol Karman’s speech at the conference of Interfaith Dialogue in Italy
God rejects terrorism… There is an increasingly growing desire to hold Abrahamic religions accountable for terrorism and conflict between communities, which are in fact political rather than religious banners.
Whereas some human rights philosophers argue that human rights and freedoms have no a concrete origin and that the religion is their sole origin. Equality on which they are based is not natural because nature itself is based on inequality whereas only religions came to entrench this principle of equality. That means there is no human rights without equality, and there is no equality without religion. So how is it said that religion is behind violence and terrorism?!.
Before He is a religious utterance, Allah is indeed a well-established idea in the human mind; an idea of the supreme being full of love for His creatures. It is true that He created good and evil for a reason philosophy of theology may grasp, but He wants us to follow the way of good as it is the path of construction and growth, which befits human beings.
Allah – from Islam’s perspective - forbids the use of violence, but allows the use of force in very exceptional cases such self-defense against aggression or protection of human rights, which may take the form of war against dictatorial regimes.
All wars waged by the prophet Muhammad –when carefully considered- were for liberation and self-defense against aggression, but not for expansion or religious purposes. Many Muslims and non-Muslims have misunderstood this point because they read Quran’s verses on war outside the historical contexts and the context of the "theory of violence in Islam."
All the heavenly religions are urging peace. One of the Ten Commandments included in Torah says: “Thou shalt not kill”; the verse from Matthew 5:9 reads: “blessed are the peacemakers”; the Qur'an calls for peace: "O ye who believe, enter into peace one and all”. It warns also "who kills a person, it would be as if he killed all people”; and “If they incline to peace, do incline to it too and trust in Allah”.
So Islam never allows the use of force outside these two limits: self-defense against aggression, protection of human rights. Even those cases that appear to be contrary to this fact are indeed consistent with it. The so-called Islamic conquests - during and after the death of the Prophet Muhammad – were wars for the liberation of peoples who were under the then great powers (Egypt and Syria at the time).
Just as Christianity was accused of instigating the Crusades, but it was innocent of them, Islam today is accused of inciting violence, but it is innocent of it. Those who instigated the Crusades had no explicit texts stipulated in the Bible, which enjoin them to do so, and those who do the same today in the name of Islam have really misunderstood the Quranic discourse because they lack a theory of violence in the Koran.
Justice and peace are two sides of the same coin. Despotism and terrorism are similarly two sides of the same coin. Here I want to draw attention that the peace within countries isn’t less important as peace between nations, and that the worst kind of wars is the one dictators wage against their own people.
Bashar al-Assad's regime has killed hundreds of thousands, displaced millions during the four years of the revolution... The Syrian people have been suffering from both terrorism of state and terrorist organizations... ISIL is the other face of authoritarian regimes. Intelligence agencies have made, spawned and reproduced it with the aim to get rid of political opponents and obstruct movements for change.
I regret to say that betrayal and conspiracies have led to destroy dreams of the youth who set off the revolutions of the peaceful Arab Spring. As a result, the Arab Spring was replaced with Daesh’s Spring.
Today people are given a choice between despotism and terrorism. Those who are doing so are in fact allied with the rest of the failed, oppressive and corrupt regimes targeted by the revolutions of the Arab Youth.
There is only one other option versus these two unjust options. It’s the civil and peaceful struggle for democracy and freedom, dignity and religious reform, which should be done on the ruins of dictatorship and terror. Despite the hardship, we will continue to move forward until the dream comes true and justice and peace prevail everywhere.