Tawakkol Karman, on its official Facebook page, scoffed at the UAE's announcement that it would withdraw from Yemen and remain its only role in fighting terrorism.
"Terrorism is a Saudi-Emirati industry. Remember how it (al-Qaeda) took over, at the start of the coup, Hadramout, Abyan and Shabwa, and then how it delivered them within hours to the Emirati and Saudi Arabia," Karman said.
"Days before receipt and delivery, the ambassadors of Saudi Arabia and the Emirates were in the West informing the world that their countries would fight al Qaeda in the south and defeat them," Karman said.
"They were saying watch how we would defeat them. They were speaking with absolute confidence," Karman said. "Within days, they exactly did what they had promised. But no one was killed, from their forces or from al Qaeda."
"Where did Al Qaeda go with all these weapons and how was it so easily to be defeated?"
"Now you can say that it will come back as easily to achieve other goals for the Emirates," Karman said.The Nobel Peace Prize laureate Tawakkol Karman has accused Saudi Arabia and the UAE of sponsoring terrorism in Yemen, stressing that only Yemenis will fight terrorism and will be a factor of stability for the region and the world.