Tawakkol Karman Speech on 61st anniversary of October 14 Revolution
In name of the glorious October 14 Revolution and its sixty-first anniversary, I extend warm greetings to all of you, my brothers and sisters, wherever you may be in our beloved Yemen.
I extend my noble greetings to you, our noble Yemeni people, on this glorious October Revolution Day—a day that immortalizes our liberation from colonialism. It symbolizes our ongoing struggle as we strive to build a strong Yemeni identity and a new Yemen. The September and October revolutions embody our shared aspirations, showcasing our resilience and determination to turn our dreams into a tangible national project.
This glorious day paved the way for generations of Yemenis, continuing to inspire us and illuminate our path as we confront the challenges facing our people today. We stand against the forces of dependence on external influence that seek to drag us back to the era of sultanates, as well as the forces of priestly imamate, which pose a significant threat to our freedom, dignity, and national identity.
The October 14 Revolution is a glorious day when the will of our great people shone through, as the banners of colonialism and sultanates were lowered, marking the culmination of our struggles for liberation and complete independence. This is our proud legacy, the path forged by our brave freedom fighters. Celebrating our revolutions and rich history is vital for solidifying our national identity and reaffirming our commitment to Yemen, its state, and its people.
The Houthi militias in Sana'a and the Southern Transitional Council militias in Aden exhibit hostility toward our celebrations of the September and October holidays. They are unsettled by the Yemeni people's commemoration of their national revolutions, as well as their remembrance of history, symbols, fighters, and the enduring legacy of struggle and nationalism.
In Sana'a, they celebrate their sectarian and denominational occasions, attempting to impose their outdated culture, misguided beliefs, imams, and myths on the residents of cities, countrysides, and villages under their control. In Aden, we hope they recognize that Yemen's history of struggle includes the glorious October 14 Revolution, which stands as a cornerstone and pillar of our national identity and rich history.
What South are they referring to while remaining unaware of the October Revolution, its fighters, its history, and the national path it established for generations to come? This national path derives its significance and continuity from the critical issues it addressed, building a national project that achieved independence and unified the South under its banners after colonialism had fragmented it into sultanates and sheikhdoms. These divisions served colonial interests for far too long, protecting their ambitions and illegitimate gains.
The October 14, 1963, revolution and the independence of the South on November 30, 1967, were natural developments that aligned with the glorious September Revolution. Yemen was first united in the hearts and minds of its people through their national revolutions, long before it achieved political unity with the establishment of the Yemeni Republic.
Today, the enemies of Yemen are showing their hostility and enmity more than ever, believing that the time has come to reveal their true intentions against Yemen and its people, aiming to undermine its cause and divide its territory. In response, our great Yemeni people will rise, steadfast in their commitment to national principles embodied by the September and October revolutions: the republic, independence, democracy, and unity.
We will not forget that the betrayal of unity during the unjust war of the summer of 1994, along with the disruption of national partnership in the unified state, led to an exclusionary approach that undermined the core values of unity and its national significance. The February 11 Revolution emerged as a victory for these values, paving the way for the establishment of a just national state that represents all segments of the Yemeni people and their diverse social forces across the country, free from hegemony and exclusion.
The February 11 Revolution sought to end the destructive approach of dominance in Yemen. Among its achievements were the outcomes of the national dialogue, which approved a federal system and finalized the draft of a new constitution. However, the counter-revolution emerged as a significant obstacle to the Yemeni people's aspirations for change and their vision of a state founded on law and citizenship.
Our Yemeni people, who have rejected the regional family dominance system, will not submit to the imposition of Imami racism represented by the Houthi militias. These militias have inflicted suffering on our people, leading to the destruction, collapse, wars, and numerous violations—both internal and external—that our country has endured. Our people will not accept a return to the era of Imamate and colonialism, nor will they tolerate fragmentation into militia states and warlords.
I am firmly convinced that victory over the sectarian and sultanic forces of the past, along with their supporters abroad, can only be achieved by upholding our core issues: the republic, democracy, and Yemeni unity. We will prevail through a national project that unites all Yemenis under its banner, rather than through the banners of militias and divisive sectarian, regional, or racist slogans. Our duty today is to emphasize what unites us as Yemenis, not what divides us. We must remain committed to the principles established by the great founders of the September and October revolutions.
Ten years of war have subjected our people to immense suffering. The Houthi coup militia humiliates the residents of cities and villages, burdening them with oppressive taxes and tributes. They impose their sectarian ideology in schools, mosques, and state institutions that they have seized, transforming these places into instruments for enforcing their sectarian priestly authority.
Unfortunately, and with great sorrow, I must acknowledge that the legitimacy has failed to establish a functioning state for the Yemenis in the governorates under its control. Our people in these areas deserve stability and essential services, yet the failures of the Presidential Leadership Council and its government are evident in the currency collapse, rising prices, and the weakened state of service, security, and educational institutions, which are unable to meet the people's needs or support their daily lives.
When we discuss the Houthi coup militias, we are addressing the enemies of our people who have brought about the tragic circumstances in our country and the devastating war that has impacted every aspect of life—affecting livelihoods, cities, and the very fabric of our existence.
When we speak of the legitimate governments, we express our disappointment in those who are expected to be loyal to our cause and our people. It is the responsibility of the legitimacy, along with all its institutions, to care for the livelihoods of the people, manage their daily lives, maintain currency stability, reduce prices, and run state institutions effectively to serve citizens and facilitate their daily activities.
Neglecting this responsibility is a hostile act against our people and inadvertently aids their enemies, the Imami militias and their supporters. Presenting a successful model for governing the regions under the legitimate state is just as crucial as achieving victory over the Houthi coup militias.
Victory is not solely about reclaiming the governorates and districts violated by the Houthis; it begins with building strong state institutions in the legitimate areas. It starts with presenting a model of governance that truly serves its citizens, addresses their issues, safeguards their interests, and ensures their security and stability through fair administration that adheres to the law, the constitution, and existing legal frameworks. This must be done without favoritism or submission to external influences that operate outside the state, the constitution, and the law.
My brothers and sisters, fellow citizens, and free people of our beloved Yemen,
On this meaningful occasion, we are reminded of our shared goal as Yemenis striving to save our country from fragmentation and division. The division of Yemen is the objective of those who wish to restore the imamate in the north and the sultanates in the south.
It is what our enemies abroad seek, believing it will allow them to exert influence over a fragmented landscape controlled by militias and agents who covet Yemen's wealth, enslave its people, and use them as instruments in their wars and regional ambitions.
We must remain vigilant against these threats, standing united to protect our sovereignty and work towards a stable, prosperous Yemen for all. Together, we can ensure our nation’s integrity and uphold the values of unity, freedom, and justice.
My brothers and sisters,
Our free and proud Yemeni people,
As we celebrate this significant national occasion, we must not forget our brothers in Gaza and Lebanon, who are enduring a genocide unprecedented in modern history. This horrific assault on human values takes us back to an era of brutal barbarism reminiscent of the Middle Ages and earlier.
The ongoing killings and displacement will not be overlooked and will have severe repercussions for the entire world. These violations and the reckless terrorization of human life erode the fundamental values that humanity has long upheld, dragging us back to a state of primitive barbarism.
The Palestinian cause represents an Arab people whose land has been taken, whose lives have been shattered, and who endure the ugliest realities of settler occupation. This situation is supported by powerful nations that disregard the rights to self-determination and human rights. These nations are prepared to endorse a campaign of extermination against a defenseless population, a disturbing precedent that the world has seldom seen in modern history.
The Palestinian cause is a just one, facing a relentless war aimed at its complete elimination. This war mobilizes all its resources against a defenseless people who possess nothing but their faith in their cause as they confront the Israeli settler occupation. They believe in their right to live with dignity on their land, their right to self-determination, and their aspiration to establish an independent state. We affirm our steadfast support for our free and proud Palestinian people as they face this extermination campaign, and we fully stand behind their noble struggle for liberation and independence.
The manipulation of the Palestinian issue by sectarian armed groups associated with the so-called Iranian resistance axis has been detrimental to the nations of Yemen, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. These groups, despite their claims of opposing the Israeli occupation, have ultimately served its interests.
Ending the occupation, facilitating the return of refugees, and allowing the Palestinian people to exercise their right to self-determination are what the great Palestinian people truly deserve. They have refused to yield to the brutal occupation, and despite all the massacres and horrific wars waged against them, the Palestinian people have remained unbroken in spirit. Our solidarity and support for the Palestinian cause compel us to differentiate between those who exploit this struggle to further Iran's influence and those who genuinely fight for the liberation of our people in Palestine, enabling them to establish an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.
Free Yemenis, both women and men, across all corners of our beloved homeland,
You are the ones who shape history and chart its course. You are the architects of victory and the resolute opponents of defeat. You determine the fate of Yemen, not the hired militias or their supporters among Yemen’s enemies beyond our borders.
When the Arabs faced defeat in 1967, Yemen responded by liberating itself from British colonialism. In a time when Arab nations lacked free action and genuine initiative, the Yemenis proudly declared their unity on May 22nd in the early 1990s.
When the Arabs were lacking in free action and true initiative, the Yemenis courageously declared their unity on May 22nd in the early 1990s.
The determination of the Yemeni people is unyielding, and their faith in their great nation remains strong, unaffected by the hardships and tragedies they endure, no matter how daunting.
Yemen will not perish.
With our steadfast belief in our homeland and our people, we will rise above all challenges and build a bright future, regardless of the obstacles in our path.
"They see it as distant, but we see it as near."
Our duty today is to highlight what unites us as Yemenis, rather than what divides us. We must uphold the principles established by the founding generation during the September and October revolutions.
Long live Yemen—free and proud, resilient against both overt and hidden conspiracies and challenges.
Glory to our great Yemeni people.
May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you.