Nobel laureate and human rights advocate, Tawakkol Karman, participated in the 19th Global Summit of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, which took place in Mexico from September 18 to September 21, 2024.
The summit was held in Nuevo León and brought together over 15 Nobel laureates and internationally recognized figures to engage in discussions focused on peace and conflict resolution.
During her visit, Karman delivered a powerful speech at Universidad Regiomontana, where she condemned the war of extermination in Gaza and called for its cessation. She urged attendees to denounce the violence and empathize with its victims, stating, "We are now witnessing a major crime against humanity taking place in Palestine.
We, as human beings, must stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine, and what is happening there must stop." She emphasized that the Palestinian people have the right to self-determination and that the killings must end.
Karman also highlighted the need for war criminals to face justice in international courts. She addressed the situation in Yemen, noting that Iranian-backed militias have contributed to ongoing violence and suffering in the country. "The Yemeni people are fighting bravely for democracy and the rule of law against these militias and tyrants," she said.
Karman further remarked, "This is what we do every day in the countries of the Arab Spring. Students continue to struggle in the streets for freedom, democracy, legitimacy, and equality."
Finally, she urged Mexican students to commit to non-violence and resilience, encouraging them to reject any form of abuse of power in their society, whether by political parties or governments.
Here is her complete speech:
Welcome! Hello everyone.
I’m happy to be here in Mexico; I’m thrilled to be here in Monterrey for the third time. I love Mexico very much; I adore this important city. I always say that the people in Mexico, especially the youth, can do many important things in their country and around the world. I have met many brave young students, both men and women.
Do you all understand English, or is there translation? Very well. I was asked to give a 10-minute speech, and then we will open the microphone for a conversation.
We are here in Monterrey, one of the great cities of Mexico, known for its industrial sector and for being one of the most economically important cities in the region. We are in Mexico, one of the most important countries economically in the world. I have been speaking with people here in Mexico and in Monterrey, especially with young people—both women and men—who can advocate for change and also lead the future in this beautiful city with its growing economic system.
I know you have faced many challenges. For example, in terms of air pollution, you have significant challenges related to climate change, inequality, the gap between rich and poor, organized crime, and corruption. So you have a great country, but at the same time, you face major challenges that limit the country's ability to thrive and prevent its people from achieving true prosperity and stability.
However, all these challenges will not stop the people of Mexico or Monterrey from dreaming of a better life and a better future for both Mexico and the world. The same challenges you face, we face in our countries. In the countries of the Arab Spring, we encountered many challenges related to the tyranny that controls our nations—dictatorships, military coups, poverty, and corruption. This is similar to what is happening here in many countries in Latin America and Africa.
So what is happening now? The world is facing significant deterioration in both developing democracy and in terms of peace. We are currently...
We are facing an escalation of war and conflicts in the world. We see it in Ukraine, in Gaza and Palestine, and we are witnessing it in my country, Yemen, in Syria, in Sudan, and in many countries in Africa that are going through military coups.
With all these challenges, we cannot think that they can prevent us from dreaming and believing that we can face these challenges and solve these problems. It is your responsibility as young people, as the next generation, to feel accountable for change. If you do not feel responsible for being the ones who must create change, if you do not feel proud of yourselves and that you should be brave, bold, and fearless dreamers, then this means the situation will remain as it is, or we will witness further deterioration.
So always believe in yourselves. Always say, "I will do something, and I can do it." We can discuss how to do it, how you can make it happen.
Right now, we are witnessing a great crime against humanity happening in Palestine. We, as human beings, should stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine, and this must stop. The people of Palestine have the right to self-determine their destiny. The killings must cease, and war criminals must face justice in international courts. Similarly, in Ukraine, the daily deaths continue.
In my country, which is now led by militias supported by Iran, part of the country is influenced by racism and violence, and the Yemeni people are bravely fighting for democracy and the rule of law against these militias and dictators. This is what we are doing every day in the countries of the Arab Spring. Students like you, of the same age as each of you, continue to fight in the streets for freedom, democracy, legality, and equity.
These students have never given up and will never give up. They believe in themselves and see themselves as the parents of a new nation in our countries—in Egypt, in Syria, in Sudan, in Algeria AND Tunisia. So those students took to the streets and decided to protest, even to die in front of the tools of the dictators and counter-revolutionaries. They committed to peaceful means despite all the violence perpetrated by dictators and counter-revolutionaries.
While some countries resort to violence as a tool for revolutionaries to protect themselves, I encourage you to commit to non-violence and not give up. Do not stop believing in peace as a tool. We need you to save this country; it is a great country. We need you, as the great leaders of the future and as responsible individuals in the present, to lead change and refuse any form of abuse of power in your society—whether from political parties, governments, or international companies that come to Latin America to steal the wealth of the people.
The same is happening in our countries in Africa. You must engage in innovation and initiatives to combat air pollution. You have the intelligence to create and innovate in this regard, to develop initiatives, and to fight corruption. Defend human rights, particularly against the killings of women, which is a very important issue happening in many parts of Latin America—femicide.
So I encourage you, young women and men, to believe in yourselves. And not just the youth but everyone here: never stop dreaming, never stop believing in yourselves, and do not underestimate your abilities.
Dream big, boldly, and without fear. Believe in yourselves and in your society. Always be on the front lines, and over time, you will witness hundreds, thousands, and millions of people joining your noble cause. Thank you very much.